Sept 2021 Cake! Magazine Sept 2021 | Page 60

3D Standing Cookies

You will need :
• Included recipe or non-spread cookie dough ( IMPORTANT )
• Hattie & Mouse Fox / Raccoon cookie cutter set from Custom Cookie Cutters
• Non stick baking mat or baking paper
• 6mm depth guides
• Rolling pin
• Plain flour
Step 1 - 3 :
Let your cookie dough come up to temperature so it is easy to roll and cut , then dust your non stick mat with plain flour . Roll dough out to 6mm thick using your depth guides . If you don ’ t own any , you could use the spine of 2 x 6mm high magazines . Dip cookie cutters into plain flour and press your shapes out of the dough .
Step 4 :
Do not move your cut shapes . Instead , remove the excess dough .
Step 5 - 7 :
Chill your dough pieces in the fridge / freezer for 5 minutes to solidify the butter . Bake at 160 ’ C for 10-15 minutes ( dependent on your oven !) Trim joints using a sharp knife directly out of the oven to ensure your cookie pieces slot together easily ( approx 9mm )
Step 8 :
Allow your cookies to cool . The sugar content of the dough ‘ knits ’ together and becomes stronger over time .