Sepia Prime Woman Digital Magazine October 2013 | Page 13

Loving: Are We There Yet? Pastor Traci Childress - Before you said I do, what did you imagine married life would be like 25 years down the road? You may have thought your children would be gone, that you would be free from financial struggle, or that you would have certainty about the direction your life was going, and have time to explore your passions and/or business endeavors. You may have also thought the communication with your mate would be open and harmonious, or that you would both be established in your call in ministry, maybe even doing ministry together. What about intimacy, unencumbered and spontaneous? Are we there yet? Are we even close? Here are a couple of steps to help you answer those questions and move towards resolving any concerns. Step One Hope deferred can make the heart of a marriage sick, so let’s begin to turn that around. You should start first with finding yourself again. After so many years in the marriage, it is easy to lose a sense of your own identity, which causes you to look to your mate as the source for personal f ulfillment. This can result in overemphasizing external failures and associating them with the reason you have become bored, dissatisfied, and/or disillusioned within the marriage relationship. In essence, these failures become icons and a constant reminder that something is not working. BREAK FREE! Make a list of things you have imagined yourself doing, pick one, and make plans to do it. Setting a start date is essential to this step. Step Two Now that you have begun to rediscover yourself, you are ready for the next step to a new outlook. Brace yourself for this one. You have to make a conscious decision to let go of the things you can’t get back. Time, past decisions, and loss can weigh heavily at this step. Some things that you may be hanging on to can’t be undone or changed. You will never be in your 20s and 30s again and carrying regret will only steal from hope-filled tomorrows. Yes, there is some grieving taking place, but it is necessary in order to stop blaming yourself and/or your spouse for past failures. But don’t forget as you let go, you are trading failure for victory. This is only the beginning to discovering a new destination called “there”. The reason it is important to take the steps in this order is because you will have more success letting go when you have begun something that makes your heart sing. You will also notice you aren’t waiting for your husband to make you happy. It will also relieve some of the pressure placed on the relationship to bring satisfaction. Don’t make excuses, take back your time, don’t be afraid, and embrace a victorious journey! Charles & Traci Childress oversee The Marriage Network, a ministry that empowers couples to see their relationship as more than just co-habitating, but as an opportunity to be a dynamic force in their homes, community, and extended family. You can find them at: pg13