Supporting Educators’
Pedagogical Activities with
360 Video
Our Latest Past Events
ICPESS 2020 28th International e-congress on
Physical Education & Sport Science 12/06/2020
Presentations: Μπαρκούκης_ΕΑΦΑ_2020
On June 12, at 28th International e-congress on Physical
Education & Sport Science, Dr. Vassilios Barkoukis
presented the possibilities of using 360 videos in online
physical education and sports.
630 physical education teachers attended the lecture via
Skype and YouTube channel.
Dr. Vassilios Papacharisis coordinated the questions and
queries through chatting room and Mr. Simon Verbeke
from PXL University helped with his video proposals in
creating the presentation.
1st Transnational Project Meeting
on 02/10/2019 - 03/10/2019
at The University of Hull, UK
2nd Transnational Project Meeting
on 17/02/2020 - 21/02/2020
at The University of Florence, Italy