SEOResellerUSA SEO-Friendly Web Design What To Know | Page 5

The elements of SEO friendly web design SEO friendly web design starts with just a few essential elements. A few of these essential web design elements include a content management system, search engine accessibility, and securing web hosting and a domain name. Search engine accessibility starts with finding ways to make a website or several web pages more assessable to search engines. Search engines generally access websites through what is known as a web crawler, a type of automated program that browses the web and copies data from web pages in order for search engines to index them. The main way to make a website more visible to search engine crawlers is optimizing the website and its content to enable the crawling. Keeping website content based on text only is one way this is accomplished. Clean website code and content is easier for a search engine crawler to read, rather than if the content and code remain cluttered and hard to read.