Senwesbel Consolidated Financial Statements | Page 41

8.1.4 Hinterland Holdings (Pty) Ltd (Group) (Continued) 2020 R’m 2019 R’m The revenue and loss of Hinterland Group are as follows: Revenue 2 435 3 054 Cost of sales (1 934) (2 514) Operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortisation (503) (516) Depreciation and amortisation (37) (26) Other income 17 18 Investment income 3 11 Finance costs (44) (49) Loss before tax (63) (22) Tax (15) 3 Loss after tax (78) (19) Loss attributable to: Owners of the parent (79) (17) Non-controlling interest 1 (2) Reconciliation of group's share of loss/(profit) for the year Group’s share of loss for the year (38) (11) 50% of loss for the year (40) (9) Deferred tax asset derecognised 2 (2) Summarised cash flows of Hinterland Group are as follows: Generated from/(used in) operating activities 92 (24) Used in investment activities (48) (38) (Used in)/generated from financing activities (36) 57 Net increase/(decrease) in cash flows 8 (5) Senwesbel Limited Reg no: 1996/017629/06 SENWESBEL ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2020 40