Senwes Scenario Oktober / November 2019 | Page 20

ALGEMEEN | GENERAL 1994 1990 2002 1999 1996 2001 Conversion from an agricultural co-operative to a public company A NEW BALL GAME During the late 1990’s and following the new political dispensation, almost all the agricul- tural co-operatives established under the then prevailing Co-operatives Act, resolved to convert to public companies.  By Elmarie Joynt Senwes Group Company Secretary S ubsequently, with the 1994 changes in the political envi- ronment, the then Minister of Agriculture, Mr Hanekom, dissolved all the marketing boards and schemes, effective as from 1 May 1997. This entailed that producers of grain com- modities were literally migrated from a con- trolled grain commodity marketing situation to a totally free market environment over- night. Deregulation meant that the prices of grain commodities were determined by import and export parity, national demand and supply, stock levels and the exchange rate. Price stability was replaced with sub- stantial market volatility. With the deregulation, the Agricultural Market Division (hereinafter referred to as “AMD”), as a separate division of Safex, was established as Safex functioned in financial markets since the eighties. Safex therefore also became the trading platform for commodities such as maize, wheat and sunflower and later soybeans. Price formulation for grains was done on Safex. In 2001 Safex formally became part of the 18 JSE and is still known as AMD. The above gave rise to fears of expro- priation of the reserves of co-operatives comprising of general reserves as well as members' funds. In order to allay the fears and in an attempt to align corporate struc- tures with the new free market, co-opera- tives proposed schemes of arrangement and with the approval of their members, elected to convert to public companies. The conversion meant that the reserves and members' funds were paid out to members in the form of equity. For specifically Senwes, the change in structure also motivated the governance body of the time to embark on a growth and expansion strategy. Senwes’ vision was to become a “world class” organi- sation (annual report 1998, page 6). The diversification strategy to mitigate the exposure to the traditional business in terms of seasonality, led to unprecedented investment in different industries and geo- graphic markets. Senwes bought Vaalharts Co-operative in December 1996, invested in Heinz Frozen Foods (later McCain’s Frozen Foods), Senwesko Feeds, Continental Oil Mills, Country Bird (abattoirs), Profert (fer- tiliser), Epol and Kolosus (feedlots, leather SENWES SCENARIO | SOMER • SUMMER 2019 & hides). With the Vaalharts acquisition, the company also became involved with the Hartswater Wine Cellar and a citrus packaging plant. The company also pur- sued external investment in Mozambique and established Sabawes with local entre- preneurs. By the end of April 1999, nearly R500 million was invested in these agri-in- dustries, while the core business such as grain storage and handling, contributed less than 10% of the company’s turnover. By 1991, R730 million was invested in the agri-industries and made up 49% of turn- over. By then the group’s net profit before tax decreased to R12,2 million. By 2001 the financial results were far from satisfac- tory, reflecting a loss of R468 million. This included provisions for bad debt and write- offs of the investments of R400 million. This approach created a new animal, which had to play a game in an unprotec­ ted, unsubsidised free market environment, with additional volatility in terms of grain price formation on Safex. Competitors such as the commercial banks and traders also accessed the market with different and attractive value propositions. The expansion strategy, inter alia, destroyed immense value for the share- holders and by 2001 the shares of Senwes