13 | Producer Piet Ferreira
information with him. He knows what I
know. What would it look like if he has a
poor crop and people hear that I am his
mentor?" Pieter and Piet also added that
they feel very good when Ruben is suc-
The advice of the trio to other produc-
ers is that one has no control over politics,
but producers should stand together and
fight for what they want. Piet also said:
“Learn as much as you can - then things
will happen on the farm as a result of hard
work and by God's grace". The farming
operations of Piet and his wife Marianne,
their children and their spouses, Pieter
and Colene, Gretha and Cassie and their
other daughter Rinda, who married a
farmer from the area, Willem du Plessis,
are heading in the right direction. And
with eight grandchildren, the future of the
farming business is in good hands. They
have no intention of leaving.
Pieter Ferreira at
one of their John
Deere tractors.