Senwes Scenario October / November 2017 | Page 22

•••• GRAIN MARKETING ADVISOR T RADE N E W S To Johan Vosloo distance is just a figure Increased earnings from maize through farm feedlot > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 Based on the figures above and on the assumption that 250 weaners (own breeding stock) will become available for finishing-off, the potential effect (benefit) for the total farming unit could be in the region of R309 000 in the case of the 3.5t/ha scenario. In this instance approximately 58 hect­ ares of maize will be used by the feedlot. The calculations summarised in Tables 3 & 4, indicate that a significant increase in the gross margin of at least a portion of the maize component is possible and that the farm feedlot is an option to consider, particularly in cases where the long-term average yield is <4t/ha. Determining factors, apart from price and yield, are the number of weaners available for finishing-off, the producer's appetite therefor and feedlot man