Possible yield per hectare: One hectare of
coffee yields 3.5 tons per hectare.
Climate requirements: Ideally, the suitable
temperature range for coffee in South Africa is
4 °C to 32 °C with average temperature ranges
of 12 °C to 26 °C, but the crop can withstand
temperatures well outside this range.
Soil requirements: Sandy loam is the ideal
soil. Coffee can do well in any kind of soil pro-
vided the climate conditions are favourable.
Soil preparation needed: Soil should be
cultivated and a thorough soil analysis is vital
before planting. A well levelled seedbed is
How much irrigation is needed: Keep the
soil moist, but not too wet. Over-irrigation will
enhance the risk of fungal diseases. Drip-
irrigation or drag-hose sprinkler system.
Fertilisation: High nutrient demands.
Fertilisation should be done four to eight weeks
after planting. Nitrogen and potassium are the
most important
Planting requirements: Planting happens
during springtime or just before the rainy sea-
son. Transplantation of the seedlings is done
about six months after they were grown in
nursery beds or plastic bags or when they are
about 20 cm tall, and they are planted in the
fields. Before planting the coffee seedlings,
holes must be dug in order to stir the soil and
loosen it.