Senwes Scenario Desember - Februarie 2020 | Page 20
17 | Future Challenges for Animal Production
to protein balances.
Animal health and resilience (including
fertility) also play a crucial role in resource
efficiency. This also renews the challenge
for animal breeding, in order to identify
new and reliable indicators of resource
efficiency, appropriate genotypes, pheno-
types and indicator traits, some potential
trade-offs between FCR and other pheno-
types that may alter long-term selection
strategies to improve lifetime efficiency.
Attention should be given to the adap-
tation of animals to new environmental
conditions such as new feed sources and
varying climate conditions.
Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) and
related technologies have huge potential
to achieve a more efficient use of resour
ces and “smart” livestock farming. Thanks
to new sensor technologies integrated in
monitoring systems, farmers and service
providers will be able to continuously and
automatically collect and process the infor-
mation needed to manage production effi-
ciency and product quality. The technolo
gy is objective, automated, continuous,
captures the responses of animals and
provides interpretation of huge amounts of
data. This will be providing useful informa-
tion for making advantageous decisions,
while reducing farm labour requirements.
There are challenges to make data col-
lected from PLF devices, a reliable and
validated source of information.
The completion of genome sequences
and high-density analytical tools to map
genetic markers, allows for whole-genome
selection programmes based on linkage
disequilibrium for a wide spectrum of traits,
simultaneously. In turn, it will be possible to
redefine genetic prediction based on allele
sharing, rather than pedigree relationships
and to make breeding value predictions
early in the life of the peak sire.
Alleles are pairs or series of genes
on a chromosome that determine the
hereditary characteristics. An example of
an allele is the gene that determines hair
colour. Selection will be applied to a much
wider range of traits, including those that
are directed towards environmental or
adaptive outcomes. In parallel, reproduc-
tive technologies will continue to advance
to allow acceleration of genetic selection,
probably including recombination in vitro.
Transgenesis and/or mutagenesis will be
applied to introduce new genetic variation
or desired phenotypes.
Animal manure is an important source of
N and P for crop production and organic
matter contributing to soil fertility. In inten-
sive livestock production systems, how-
ever, it is often seen as a residual burden
rather than a valuable resource and there
are significant losses. For many soils in
South Africa, the main fertility problem is
a deficiency of P and N. Effective manure
management can improve resource effi-
ciency by using manure as a valuable
resource. In particular, the re-use of N
and P offers tremendous opportunities
for closing the nutrient cycles, increases
resource efficiency, restricts pollution and
eutrophication of ground waters and soils.
The steady increase in antimicrobial
resistance (antibiotics) is a major threat in
terms of public health and is a pressing
economic issue. Very few antibiotics have
been developed in recent decades or are
expected in the near future. In livestock
farming, there is a need to reduce the
use of antibiotics, biocides and synthetic
pesticides and optimise dosages and
administration for therapy, control and
This must be done without compromis-
ing public and animal health and welfare
to reduce the risk of resistance, especially
for critical antibiotics (essential to treat
certain human bacterial diseases).
Famers in the Netherlands are using
55% less antibiotics today than in 2009.
It comes from a combination of good
nutrition and management, but it started
with a decision not to turn to chemicals for
The rapid penetration of these new tech-
nologies and practices will provide a
further layer of sophistication of farm work
and new strategies in animal production.
The challenge for the next 30 years is to
increase the productivity of major live-
stock species to address the food require-
ments of the world, while at the same time
minimising the environmental impact and
keeping animal production sustainable.
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