Senwes Scenario December 2018 / January 2019 | Page 37

MARKETS Graph 1: July WM seasonal. Graph 2: May sunflower seasonal. Table 3: The soybean input costs Date calculated: 2018/10/18 Droëland: Jaar-op-Jaar - Bothaville PRODUKPRYS (R/ton) R4 300 BEPLANNINGSOPBRENGS (ton/ha) 1,25 1,5 1,75 BRUTO PRODUKINKOMSTE (BPI) (R/ha) 5 375 6 450 7 525 A: GESPESIFISEERDE KOSTE (R/ha) Saad 308 Kalk 86 369 431 2 2,25 8 600 492 2,5 2,75 3 9 675 10 750 11 825 12 900 554 615 615 615 Kunsmis 802 1 182 1 351 1 512 1 764 2 016 2 268 2 521 Onkruiddoders 457 457 457 457 457 457 457 457 129 Plaagdoders 597 Brandstof 838 848 871 42 42 44 Saadbehandeling Reparasies Smeermiddels 85 525 597 150 92 527 597 99 543 172 597 105 882 545 44 193 597 105 893 547 45 215 597 109 904 548 45 236 597 109 914 550 46 tify such times, the average historic price movements were analysed. These sea- sonal trends can be used to identify times during which hedging can probably be done at good seasonal levels. It is evident from the graph 1 that the first seasonal opportunity to price, is the last half of December. The second oppor- tunity is the first two weeks of March. The last good opportunity is indicated as the first week of June - just before harvest time. It is evident from graph 2 that the seasonal peak for sunflower is usually at the end of January. It may therefore be sensible not to leave hedging until harvest time, but to do early marketing. 258 597 119 925 552 46 A: TOTAAL GESPESIFISEERDE KOSTE (R/ha) 3 739 4 244 4 543 4 807 5 155 5 506 5 793 6 089 B: R/Ton Sakprys benodig 2 991 2 829 2 596 2 403 2 291 2 202 2 106 2 030 Wins (per hektaar) 1 636 2 206 2 982 3 793 4 520 5 244 6 032 6 811 SUMMARY The market provides traditional seasonal opportunities for hedging at profitable levels. It is always sensible to utilise these opportunities as effectively as possible with a suitable strategy such as a mini- mum price, which still leaves room to uti- lise upward potential. Should the seasonal opportunities be used, hedging can be done at optimal seasonal levels. SENWES SCENARIO | TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION 2018 35