Senwes Scenario August/September 2018 | Page 20

AGRICULTURAL 06 | Maize production For example, is 50% of Potassium needed to be available and stored in the plant from V6 to tasseling stage. If we expe- rience a mid-summer drought before tasseling stage and the roots are forced to feed in sub soil (although top soil K can be high in mg/kg), and the sub soil is low in K(mg/kg) or %K, then the production potential will lower. It is also very interesting to note that the availability of Phosphate in the soil and the ability of the crop to utilize this over a much longer period, has a direct impact on yield results. potential of the crop because grams/plant, the ability of the plant to produce, needs to be taken into consideration as well. As example, we can look at more than one cob varieties, at a plant population of 25 000 plants per hectare. Soil fertility, soil moisture and type of fertilizer will directly influence the outcome. Calculation can be made between 250 g/plant – 350 g/plant, at lower populations such as 15 000 plants per ha it is 350 g/plant – 420 g/plant. Example of such calculations: Soil fertility is not optimal = 25 000 x 250 g/plant = 6.25 tons/ha = 15 000 x 350 g/plant = 5.25 tons/ha Plant population also influenced the Soil fertility more optimal = 25 000 x 350 g/plant = 8.75 tons/ha = 15 000 x 420 g/plant = 6.3 tons/ha Leaf analyses during the growing sea- son can point out deficiencies in time which then can be adhere to by formu- lating a specific foliar feed, that can be sprayed. Why, it happens frequently that the last 5-7 pits on the cob which has been initiated and pollinated, do draw back because of nutrient deficiencies. The loss of yields is then between 0.7 - 1.2 tons/ha. Contact your local SGS agronomist to discuss above mentioned aspects. w MIDDEL VEGETATIEF, TOPBEMESTING BLOMSTADIUM VOOR PLANT VROEË VEGETATIEF, MET PLANT Kynoch – verbeterde doeltreffendheid deur innovasie. Vir verbeterde stikstof- doeltreffendheid wat beskikbare stikstof in die grond verhoog. KynoPlus ® - mengsels: Om stikstof, fosfaat en kalium doeltreffend in die grond te sit. KynoPop ® KynoPlus ® en KynoPlus ® - mengsels: KynoPlus ® - Effektiewe bemesting wanneer die voedings- behoefte van die mielieplant geweldig toeneem. Vir ‘n vinnige begin en sterk saailinge. NPKS-plantermengsel Om gedurende hierdie stadium in die mielieplant se lewe ‘n goeie potensiaal aan te lê. SENWES SCENARIO | SPRING 2018 Mielie OEMFF®: ’ n Blaarvoeding om die effektiwiteit van die mielieplant te verbeter. Mielie OEMFF® B16: Om gedurende stuifmeelstort, bestuiwing en bevrugting in die spesifieke voedings- behoefte te voorsien. KynoPlus ® -mengsels Foli-Grande of Foli-Plus: Het die nodige voeding- stowwe in, om graanvul te verbeter. Farmisco (Edms) Bpk. h/a Kynoch Fertilizer Reg. Nr. 2009/0092541/07 011 317 2000 | [email protected] KynoPlus® is geregistreer as kunsmis groep 1 – Reg. No: K8024, KynoPop® Reg. No: K9101, Mielie OEMFF® Reg. No: K8702 en Foli-Grande Reg. No: K8045 (Alle produkte is geregistreer onder Wet 36 van 1947) KynoPlus ® 18 Met Kynoch se innoverende en pasmaak-produkte kan jy bemesting toedien volgens jou mielieplante se behoeftes en groeistadiums. So verseker Kynoch dat jou mielieplante kry wat hul nodig het, wanneer hul dit die nodigste het.