Senwes Future Focus Day celebrates fifteen years
Senwes , in association with the Young Farmer Committees of Free State Agriculture and Agri-Northwest , as well as Grain SA , will be presenting the 15th Future Focus Day this year . This popular conference will be held at Nampo Park on 5 September 2018 .
The theme of this year ’ s conference will be “ The importance of personal development in agriculture ”. Dr René Uys from Thinking Fusion Africa will take attendees through a life changing experience to redefine themselves .
Since personal development is of critical importance to every farmer , the different young farmer committees decided to invite successful producers to share their life experiences during the conference . A panel consisting of representatives from the livestock and grain industries and other permanent crops will share their developmental experiences through their participation in an insightful panel discussion .
New technology will be demonstrated after the panel discussion . The conference will be broadcasted on the TV-program Landbouweekliks and will be made possible by Farmers ’ Weekly .
Francois Strydom , new chairman of Agbiz
SENWES ’ GROUP CEO , Francois Strydom , was recently elected as chairman of Agbiz at its congress and annual general meeting held in Port Elizabeth .
Agbiz is a voluntary , dynamic and influential association of agribusinesses operating in South and Southern Africa . Agbiz ' s function is to ensure that agri-business plays a constructive role in the country ' s economic growth , development and transformation , and to create an environment in which agri-businesses of all sizes and in all sectors can thrive , expand and be competitive .
Francois obtained his B . Sc . ( Hons ) degree at the University of the Free State in South Africa . He started his career at OTK ( Afgri ) in 1987 as livestock specialist and progressed to director grain and sundry industries . In May 2001 he accepted an appointment at Senwes , where he successfully turned around the JSE listed subsidiary , Kolosus . He was appointed as a member of the Executive Committee of Senwes Limited in 2003 and on 6 August 2010 he was appointed as managing director of Senwes Limited . He serves as a director on numerous boards and subsidiaries , amongst others the North-West University Board , Financial & Remuneration Committees . He also serves as executive director on the board of Senwes Limited .
Senwes Scenario congratulates Francois in this new appointment .