Senwes Scenario August / September 2017 | Page 56


Hinterland presents 3 rd target shooting day


Is your diary fully booked for August ? The Bothaville Hunters Association will once again be presenting their annual target shooting day in conjunction with InteliGro .

The target shooting day will take place on Saturday , 26 August at the Marouzlansrust Shooting Range , approximately 17km outside of Bothaville where the shooting ability of shots will be tested on the 100m , 200m and the 300m range . The day promises to be a challenge with a large variety of targets to be shot at . Every shot will require a total of 15 rounds for the day . w
Prizes will be awarded in die Senior , Open , Ladies , Junior , Rimfire , Junior Air-gun and Junior Hunting Rifle categories .
In the past as many as 120 shots participated and attempts are being made again to involve all the surrounding towns in order to get at least 200 participants on the day . Any person with a hunting rifle can enter . The range has been designed in such a manner as to level the playing field for all the shots at all levels .
The entry fee for the day will be R250 for early entries , which will be accepted until 20 August . After that , right up to 26 August , the entry fee will amount to R350 per shot .
Shots should be aware of the fact that , should they not stay for the prize-giving ceremony , they will forfeit their prizes . Hidden prizes and lucky draws will form part of the day , which means that anyone can win a prize . Shots can do their last shooting-in at 08:30 and the competition will commence promptly at 09:00 .
For more information and to book , send an email to bhvskiet @ gmail . com or contact Christo Roux ( Chairman ) at 082 926 4366 or CP Scheepers ( Secretary ) at 079 717 3830 . uppe marketing A10022 / LW A10500 / LW
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