Senwes Scenario August / September 2017 | Page 21

••• • • N E W S • • The spotlight is on T he Senwes Scenario maga­ zine is currently conduc­ ting exciting research on various aspects of the magazine. We sourced an indepen- dent company, Markdata (Lida Groenewald), to conduct a com- MAKE THE  Senwes Scenario prehensive and confidential needs analysis amongst our readers. Senwes customers received an sms in July, informing them that they may be contacted for this important research. The research commenced on Monday, 17 July 2017 and will continue until 1 September 2017. Interviews will be held tele- phonically and the Markdata team will make appointments with readers, selected on the basis of a repre- sentative random sample. Interviews PRECISION DECISION will take 20 to 25 minutes and your participation will be highly appreciated. Focus groups will also be established, where discussions will be held regarding the require- ments of our customers in respect of Scenario. Your feedback is invaluable to ensure that we meet your needs as our valued reader. For more infor- mation or any feedback regarding Scenario, please contact Lida Groenewald at [email protected] or 082 940 8600. All information will be dealt with confidentially. Our strive to ensure that Scenario becomes your top mag- azine and we need your assistance to achieve this vision. 19