Senwes Scenario April / May 2016 | Page 40

••• CO L U M N SUSARI GELDENHUYS SAFEX SCENARIOS WITH SUSARI INTRODUCTION The South African summer rainfall area is still experiencing one of the worst droughts in three decades and there is a lot of uncertainty about the current season. All participants are forced to investigate alternative sources of income. Various opportunities exist on SAFEX but the current volatile market environment makes it difficult to make good investment decisions. However, there are two resources in the form of fundamental analysis and technical analylsis which will contribute towards a higher probability of success when such investment decisions are being considered. Fundamental analysis and the basis of technical analysis were discussed in previous articles and this article attempts to expand on various technical indicators which are used to indicate the current price trend. • Leading and Lagging indicators Leading indicators give predictions of future price movements, mainly by determining the extent to which the market is overbought or oversold. These indicators offer a higher probability of identifying opportunities, but these types of indicators are associated with higher risk. Leading indicators are normally statistically more suitable for use in trading markets. In contrast lagging indicators are not aimed at predicting future price movements, but rather at following price trends. These indicators generate buying and selling signals only after a real turnaround in the price trends, which in turn decrease returns because of buying and selling signals normally being late. Despite this the lagging indicators are less risky than leading indicators and profit opportunities are still identified. Lagging indicators are statisticallly more suitable to be used in trending markets. • Over-purchased and over-sold markets The above concepts are very important since they serve as basis to generate buying and selling signals for a large number of indicators. An overbought market is associated with the number of sellers (supply), which is a lot less than the number of buyers (demand). In such an event prices normally move to a potential price peak as the supply and demand for underlying commodities generate a new equilibrium price. In contrast with an overbought market, an oversold market is characterised by a significantly lower number of buyers (demand) compared to the number of sellers (supply), which will eventually result in a potentially low price level as a new equilibrium price is generated by supply and demand for the underlying commodity DEFINITIONS Before discussing the technical indicators, it is important to define certain ideas and concepts in order to serve as basis for the discussion. • Trending and Trading markets Prices move in trends which can be categorised as trending and trading phases. A t