Senwes Integrated Reports Senwes 2018/2019 Integrated Report (b) | страница 6

OVERVIEW ABOUT OUR INTEGRATED REPORT OUR APPROACH TO REPORTING Purpose and Target Audience The primary purpose of Senwes’ integrated report is to demon- strate to the providers of financial capital and potential investors, how Senwes creates value over time. The report also provides stakeholders with a balanced, accurate and transparent assess- ment on whether the company can deliver on its brand promise. Scope and Essence The report extends beyond financial reporting and includes non- finan­cial information attributable to, or associated with, our key stakeholders, who have a significant impact on the group’s 1 abi­lity to create value. The group’s ability to create value for stakeholders over the short, medium and long term is illustrated through the value creating business model, strategies, risk assessments, opportunities, per- formance and governance, and forms the essence of the 2019 Senwes integrated report. Reporting Period and Boundaries The Senwes integrated report is compiled and published annually and this report focuses on the activities and operations of the group for the period 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2019. The group refers to Senwes, its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate. 1   KEY CONCEPTS Defining Value Value is the instance where the consequence of our suc- cessful resource application has a positive impact on a stakeholder. Defining materiality Materiality is the actions or issues of substantial importance that affect the group’s ability to create value over the short, medium and long term. Defining short, medium and long term Short term is less than 12 months, medium term is one to three years and long term is beyond three years. Defining the capitals Capitals are the fundamental stocks of value which the or- ganisation depends on for its success and which increa­ses, decreases or are transformed through the activities and out- puts of the group. The capitals are categorised as: financial, manufacturing, intellectual, human, social and relationship as well as natural capital. Defining integrated thinking Integrated thinking is the process where the relationships between the various operating units and the capitals are actively considered in decision-making and actions to add value over the short, medium and long term. GUIDELINES AND REQUIREMENTS Reporting Frameworks This report pertains to the activities of the 2018/2019 financial year and is guided by the principles and guide- lines set out by the International Integrated Reporting Framework, the Internatio­nal Financial Reporting Stan- dards (IFRS), the Companies Act of South Africa, No 71 of 2008 (as amended), the King Code of Governance Principles for South Africa, 2016 (King IV™) and the De- partment of Trade and Industry’s Codes for Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment. Combined Assurance The group’s external auditor, Ernst & Young Inc. (EY), has conducted an independent audit of the group’s consoli- dated annual financial statements. The rest of the report, consisting of non-financial information, has not been subjected to an independent audit or review and has been compiled, based on internal records and informa- tion in the public domain under supervision of CF Kruger, CA (SA), Chief Financial Officer. 4 SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 BOARD RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The Senwes board of directors acknow­ ledges its responsibility to ensure the integrity of the information presented in this integrated report. According to the board and executive committee, the in- formation presented in this integrated report provides a fair and balanced view of the group’s performance and matters considered to be material in the value creation process of Senwes. Photo taken at Senwes Head Office. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This report may include forward-looking statements, which relate to Senwes’ future performance and prospects. These statements represent the group’s judgements and expectations, but by its nature, involve risk and uncertainty as they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the fu- ture. The group does not undertake to update or revise any of these forward-looking statements publicly, whether to reflect new in- formation, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking state- ments have not been audited, reviewed or reported on by EY. Danie Minnaar Chairman Francois Strydom Chief Executive Officer 27 June 2019 Klerksdorp SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 5