Senwes Integrated Reports Senwes 2018/2019 Integrated Report (b) | Page 54

THE PERFORMANCE MATERIAL RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Risk Methodology Waiting and managing are contrasting words and we know that these uncertain times will present both risk and opportunity, with the potential to erode or enhance value. Senwes chooses to actively manage its risk by fol- lowing an Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) framework which provides a platform for management to effectively deal with uncertainty and associated risks and opportunities, thereby enhancing our capacity to build value. No entity operates in a risk-free environment and ERM does not create such an environment. Rather, ERM enables management to operate more effectively in environments filled with risks. It cannot and does not operate in isolation in Senwes, but rather as an enabler of the management process. All risks are residually quantified and this heatmap provides an overview of the risk rating in terms of impact and proba- bility, considering the existing mitigating control measures. ERM is intertwined with corporate governance by providing informa- tion on the most significant risks and how they are being managed to the board of directors, through the Risk Committee. It is therefore crucial that we utilise and optimise our risk resources which include our employees, risk management technology and liaison network.  Enhancing the risk culture Risk management is deeply rooted in the culture of Senwes and its strategic and tactical intent. The responsibility and accountability for risk management reside at all levels of the organisation, from its board down to each business manager and employee. Being risk aware requires that management considers information about internal and external environments, deploys precious resour­ ces and recalibrates enterprise activities to changing circumstances.  Risk strategy Management considers the entity’s risk appetite first in evaluating stra- tegic alternatives, then in setting objectives aligned with the selected strategy and in developing mechanisms to manage the related risks. Risk appetite therefore guides resource allocation and assists us in aligning the organisation, people and processes in designing the infra­ structure necessary to effectively respond to and monitor risks. Seasonal rainfall until the end of December saw some of the lowest rainfall totals of the past 100 years. This was followed by the wettest April of the past 100 years, highlighting extreme weather events. Senwes deems its risk management practices to be practical and fully acknowledges the volatile agricultural industry and our need to be agile, smarter and more effective, proactive and forward-looking, and, at the same time, being appropria­ tely responsive. 2 10 1 1 Weather and climate risk; 2 Political uncertainty – land expropriation and currency risk; 5 7 SENWES  Ensuring risk governance SENWES’ TOP RISKS 8 9 13 4 3 6 11 12 The latest World Economic Forum’s (WEF) global risk report of 2019 showed that environmental risks con- tinue to dominate the report. This year, they accounted for three of the top five risks by likelihood and four by impact. Extreme weather was the risk of greatest con- cern for the WEF and more so to Senwes. OUR ERM FRAMEWORK IS BASED UPON FOUR CRITICAL RISK ACTIVITIES WAITING FOR RAIN: MANAGING RISK IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Low Medium Likelihood High 3 Market size and market share risk; 4 Credit, liquidity and market risk; 5 Commodity price risk; 6 Urbanisation, scarcity and retention of skills risk; 7 Transition and customer risk; 8 Diversification and agricultural industry risk; 9 Unique competitor risk; 10 Regulation and compliance risk; 11 Systems risk; 12 Theft and fraud risk; and 13 Environment, health and safety risk. evaluation range Low - Medium Medium Medium - High  Managing risk process The group has a formal risk assessment process in place, through which risks and mitigating management actions are identified, as- sessed, monitored and reported on. Our core strategic focus area, as part of the risk management pro- cess, remains the ability to respond to risks by ensuring multiple re- sponse plans per risk category. 52 SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 53