Senwes Integrated Reports Senwes 2017/2018 Integrated Report(a) | Page 20

18 THE BUSINESS BUSINESS OVERVIEW FINANCIAL SERVICES 53,5% 32,7% SENWES CREDIT SENWES AGRICULTURAL SERVICES CERTISURE Division of Senwes Division of Senwes Credit Joint venture with NWK  Senwes Credit offers a range of unique and effec- tive financial products to producers such as, inter alia, production loans, monthly accounts, credit arrangements of a long-term nature and hire pur- chase transactions.  Senwes Credit makes financial arrangements with off-takers of grain in order to extend bridging fi- nance for the operating costs of their businesses.  Senwes Agricultural Services renders specialised ser­vices focused on adding value to agronomy, ani­­ mal science, farm management, agricultural-eco- nomics, soil analy­sis, information services and the establishment of emerging farmers.  Senwes Agricultural Services specialise in every facet of its business and ensures sustainable solu- tions and optimal turnaround times in order to be as adaptable as possible.  The Certisure group is an insurance company with numerous specialist areas which agricultural, com- mercial and individual clients can benefit from.  Certisure renders broker and adminis­trative services which cater for and address the risk requirements of clients.  Certisure specialises in asset insurance, financial plan­ning, crop insurance, credit life insurance, cor- porate insurance, game insurance and medical aid schemes. SENWES ASSET FINANCE THOBO TRUST MOLEMI SELE With WesBank as partner Trustees: Senwes, Tradevantage, Hinterland, JD Implemente, Prodist, Grasland, Grainovation and Certisure Joint venture with AFGRI and NWK 2018 2017 share of total profit from operating activities 9%  Senwes Asset Finance offers comprehensive fi- nancial services focused on movable assets and bonds. percentage of total business units 2018 2017 Income (R’m) 321 309 Costs (R’m) 164 162 Operating profit before tax (R’m) 157 147 FINANCIAL SERVICES  Thobo Trust is an independent trust and serves as strategic partner for Senwes’ broad-based black economic empowerment and socio-economic de- velopment objectives.  Thobo Trust unlocks value for employees, farm labourers, emerging farmers and communities in rural areas, where Senwes conducts business. OVERVIEW | THE BUSINESS | STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT | CORPORATE GOVERNANCE | FINANCIAL REVIEW  Molemi Sele is the owner of a cell captive for credit life insurance within Guardrisk Life and focuses on underwriting risks within the credit life insurance domain. OUR PRESENCE IN SOUTH AFRICA 20 Insurance branches 1 Credit extension office