Senwes Integrated Reports Senwes 2014/2015 Integrated Report | Page 36

TALENT DEVELOPMENT INDICATORS INDICATORS 2014/2015 2013/2014 % MOVEMENT NUMBER OF TRAINING MAN-DAYS 8 198 4 118 99 TOTAL TRAINING COST (R’m) 7.3 4.2 74 % OF TRAINING INVESTMENT SPENT ON HDI’S* 39 45 (6) AVERAGE TRAINING DAYS PER EMPLOYEE 6.3 3.2 97 CERTIFICATES AND DIPLOMAS AWARDED FOR REGISTERED LEARNERSHIPS (NUMBER) 19 25 (24) TRAINING COSTS AS A % OF PAYROLL COSTS 2.4 1.3 1.1 * Historically disadvantaged individuals GRADUATE PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT The graduate programme is a significant component of our talent attraction and development programme. It is a means of introducing academically trained young people, with excellent educational results, into the workplace and exposing them to different aspects of the business and aligning the talent objectives of the business with their individual career interests. Through this programme we have been able to identify and appoint high potential individuals who also form part of our succession plans. A balanced score-card based performance management system is implemented across all levels of the organisation to facilitate tracking of progress towards the achievement of short, medium and long-term goals. In addition, the system forms the basis upon which good performers are rewarded and upon which areas for development are identified. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT The focus of labour relations is to have a proactive approach to matters and the timely identification of potential risks. The very low levels of union membership and disciplinary cases are testament to this approach. The effectiveness of this procedure and constructive engagement approach is evident in the peaceful workplace environment we have experienced over a long period of time. Good relationships are maintained with employees directly and with the labour unions. Senwes is an active member of the Bargaining Council for the Grain Industry and plays a leading role in this council, with representation on its board. ETHICS During the year under review, the Senwes ethics programme launched a number of activities. An official communication launch, led by the executive team, demonstrated leadership commitment. This was followed by a multimedia communication campaign which included electronic and printed media channels, aimed at informing and creating awareness on certain aspects of ethics. Employees continued to commit themselves to the Senwes code of ethics by signing the applicable pledges. 34 Senwes INTEGRATED REPORT 2015 TALENT RECOGNITION AND REMUNERATION Senwes’ remuneration strategy is to be competitive in the relevant market and to incentivise employees to achieve high performance through the payment of performance-based incentives upon the achievement of business, financial and personal targets. Details of the remuneration policy and strategy are included in the relevant section of the corporate governance report. Furthermore, Senwes recognises employees who demonstrate exceptional performance in various areas of their work, at both divisional and group level. Employees are recognised and nominated by either their peers or by management for their exceptional service and receive awards on divisional and/or group level. The awards cover areas of financial performance, customer service, entrepreneurship, operational efficiency, innovation, teamwork and sustainability. REMUNERATION PHILOSOPHY The purpose of remuneration is to attract, retain, motivate and reward talented and high performing staff in order to achieve the Company’s strategic objectives, deliver expected shareholder returns and to ensure sustainable performance and value creation for the shareholder over the long term.