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The financial year started on a high note for the Senwes Group
with the establishment of the joint venture between leading
agri-retail business entities, Senwes Village and AFGRI Town
& Country, now known as Hinterland. This joint venture places
us in a favourable position, allowing us to increase our market
share and extended geographic footprint. The Senwes Group
also repositioned its insurance business under a new brand
Certisure. This joint venture with NWK supports the strategy
for future growth that is not geographically bound and will be
beneficial to both our clients and producers. Numerous other
changes and improvements in the Senwes Group structure all
reflect the Company’s progress towards the goals set for 2020.
The title of this report, On the Road to 2020, implies that what
we did during the past year and plan to do in the future are
strategically aligned with the vision of the Company. Senwes
prides itself on a proactive approach to management, seizing
opportunities and being a trendsetter amongst agricultural
As a Group we strive towards balanced and responsible reporting
to our stakeholders, covering an overview of governance,
strategy and financial indicators. This report provides information
to existing and future partners and stakeholders which will
enable them to make informed decisions in their dealings with
the Senwes Group.
In order to give our stakeholders a comprehensive overview
of our business, this integrated report should be read together
with the 2014 comprehensive sustainability report and corporate
governance report and the annual financial statements which are
available on our website www.senwes.co.za. This integrated
report is the only printed report and our primary reporting
vehicle. It should be read in conjunction with the above three
supplementary reports.
This report informs future partners of material matters and
enables stakeholders to make an informed assessment of the
Senwes Group’s ongoing ability to create and sustain value. The
report covers Senwes Limited and its primary operating divisions
(Senwes Credit, Senwes Grainlink and Senwes Village), as well
as the joint ventures, associates and subsidiaries of Senwes
over whose operating policies and practices we have control,
joint control or significant influence.
The report is focused on events which occurred during the year
ended 30 April 2014 and makes relevant comparisons to prior
The financial year started
on a high note for the
Senwes Group with the
establishment of the joint venture
between leading agri-retail business
entities, Senwes Village and AFGRI
Town & Country, now
known as Hinterland.