Senwes Integrated Report 2021 | Page 7



The primary purpose of Senwes ’ integrated report is to demonstrate to the providers of financial capital and potential investors , how Senwes creates sustainable value over the short , medium and long term .

In acknowledging the fact that sustained value creation does not happen in isolation , the group ’ s approach to value creation is best illustrated through its integrated value-adding business model , strategies , risk assessments , opportunities , performance and governance practices . A balanced and accurate reflection of these material aspects forms the essence of Senwes ’ integrated report . The report also provides stakeholders with a balanced , accurate and transparent assessment on whether the company can deliver on its brand promise .

This report is prepared in accordance with the International Framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council ( IIRC ) and provides our stakeholders with a concise and transparent assessment of our ability to use our expertise to create sustainable value .
This report contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to Senwes ’ financial position , results , operations and businesses . These statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty , as they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future .
The group does not undertake to update or revise any of these forward-looking statements publicly , whether to reflect new information , future events or otherwise . The forward-looking statements have not been audited , reviewed or reported on by EY .
Reporting period The Senwes integrated report is compiled and published annually and this report focuses on the activities and operations of the group for the period 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021 .
Scope and boundary This report extends beyond financial reporting and includes non-financial information attributable to , or associated with , our key stakeholders , who have a significant impact on , or interest in the group ’ s ability to create value .
Combined assurance The group ’ s external auditor , Ernst & Young Inc . ( EY ), has conducted an independent audit of the group ’ s consolidated annual financial statements . Other sections of the report , consisting of non-financial information , have not been subjected to an independent audit or review and have been compiled , based on internal records and information in the public domain under supervision of CF Kruger CA ( SA ), Group Chief Financial Officer .
Board responsibility statement
The Senwes board of directors acknowledges its responsibility
of ensuring the integrity of this integrated report which , in the
board ’ s opinion , addresses all the issues that are material to the
group ’ s ability to create value and fairly presents the integrated performance of the Senwes Group .
Danie Minnaar Chairman
Francois Strydom Group Chief Executive Officer
Venete Klein
Dries Kruger
The board has applied its collective mind to the preparation and
presentation of this report and believes that it has been prepared
in accordance with the IIRC Framework and under the supervision
of senior management . It furthermore underwent a rigorous process using both internal and external assurances . The report was approved by the board of directors of Senwes on 1 July 2021 .
Steve Booysen Vice Chairman
Corné Kruger Group Chief Financial Officer
Pieter Stander
Thabo van Zyl