Senwes Annual Financial Statements 2022 | Page 30

Suidwes Holdings ( RF ) ( Pty ) Ltd (" Suidwes ") During the 2021 financial year , Senwes acquired a 100 % interest in Suidwes , which operates as a group of companies in the agricultural sector , with the effective date being 31 October 2020 .
Group *
Fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed 1 : A ….………………....... 127
Non-current assets , excluding property , plant and equipment , deferred tax and intangible assets
Property , plant and equipment 733 Deferred tax asset 27 Intangible assets 74
Trade and other receivables 4
Other loans receivable 119 Trade payables ( 462 ) Bank overdraft ( 316 ) Current financial liabilities , excluding trade payables and bank overdraft ( 1,108 ) Non-current liabilities ( 129 )
Non-controlling interest
( 39 )
Consideration paid 2
B …….……………......
Bargain purchase 3
C =( A-B )……………
The amounts recognised at the acquisition date for each major class of assets acquired and liabilities assumed .
2 The acquisition was funded from operating cash flows ( R63 million ) and the issue of 4 948 812 normal shares with a market value of R10 per share ( R50 million ),
which amounted to a total investment of R113 million . 3 The bargain purchase is included in the " Gain on bargain purchase of acquisitions " line item in the statement of comprehensive income . The transaction
resulted in a gain mainly due to significant fair value adjustments on properties recognised at acquisition date . 4 The fair value of trade and other receivables acquired ( R392 million ) included a provision of R53 million which was not expected to be collected .
Since acquisition date , and for the 2021 financial year , revenue of R838 million and a profit after tax of R49 million were contributed to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income by Suidwes , whereas the revenue and profit contributed by the company for the 12-month accounting period , as though the acquisition had been as of the beginning of the 2021 reporting period , were R1 698 million and R100 million , respectively .
* In terms of IFRS 3 , a retrospective adjustment of amounts recognised at the acquisition date of Suidwes was made to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date and , if known , would have affected the measurement of the amounts recognised as of that date . The impact of the adjustment being a decrease in bargain purchase of R22 million .
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Suidwes IT Solutions ( Pty ) Ltd (" SWITO ") During the 2021 financial year , Africum Ltd acquired the remaining 51 % of SWITO . The investment was previously held as an investment in associate with a 49 % shareholding held by Africum Ltd . This resulted in SWITO being fully owned and consolidated in the Senwes Group . The effective date of the transaction was 30 April 2021 .
Fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed : A ….………………....... - Property , plant and equipment 2 Deferred tax asset * Trade and other receivables 1 Other loans payable ( 3 ) Consideration paid 1 B …….……………...... * Bargain purchase 2 C =( A-B )…………… * * Amounts are less than R0,5 million . 1 The acquisition was funded from operating cash flows .
The bargain purchase is included in the " Gain on bargain purchase of acquisitions " line item in the statement of comprehensive income .
R ' m
Since the acquisition date , and for the 2021 financial year , no revenue or profit after tax was contributed to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income by SWITO since the acquisition occurred on the last day of the financial year , whereas the revenue contributed by the company for the 12-month accounting period , as though the acquisition had been at the beginning of the 2021 reporting period , would have been R5 million . No profit would have been recorded for the 12 months ended 30 April 2021 .

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