Sennockian 2020-2021 | Page 145

cares wholeheartedly about those under her care and she is always willing to roll up her sleeves and work alongside the troops . Students , staff and parents all feel this passion and respond accordingly . Staff , especially , have benefited from her encouragement and guidance , which has led to the overall improvement in the quality of teaching and learning .
Developing community initiatives
Theresa has also shown immense commitment to the school ’ s outreach , partnership and community engagement work . Building on the skills she learned developing the VSU programme at the school in the 1980s , Theresa has been instrumental in developing initiatives that impact the community more widely . She continues to be a main driver in cultivating Sevenoaks School ’ s relationship with the state sector . From her position as Chair of Governors at Knole Academy , Theresa has been instrumental in establishing a flourishing partnership which benefits both schools . She was also key in building on the relationship with the Sevenoaks Primary Partnership which connects Sevenoaks School to 29 primary schools in the local area . This commitment to helping other organisations in the community also extends to her work with the Kent International Baccalaureate Careers Programme . Theresa has played a key role within this network , especially in opening Sevenoaks School ’ s doors to host many meetings , conferences and symposiums .
Where Theresa ’ s expertise and vision in relation to community engagement has been acutely visible is with her significant efforts with the Kent Academies Network , which helps able but disadvantaged pupils gain access to university . Theresa was involved from the inception of this programme and her energy and commitment has kept it thriving . She has spent much time with the KAN pupils and mentors at various residential weeks , events and meet-up days , offering her guidance , experience and compassion . Under her leadership , the success of this programme has grown significantly and has positively impacted the lives of
countless young people . Once again , this is a credit to Theresa ’ s ceaseless desire to help others , especially those who are less fortunate .
Theresa has touched so many different people with her warmth , sense of purpose and relentless desire to make things better for others . Her sense of integrity and truth , alongside her enduring loyalty to the school , has , in turn , inspired all of those around her to be loyal , both to her and to the school . Her faithful followers are many , and her legacy , which has helped Sevenoaks School and its partners become the special places that they are today , will be felt for many years to come .
We wish Theresa all the very best as she embarks upon her well-earned retirement , giving her more time for her beautiful garden and to enjoy the local countryside , but I am sure she will also continue to learn and , whether it be French or horticulture , she will no doubt do it with huge enthusiasm , attention to detail and great success .
Theresa , we will miss you a great deal and now you are leaving Sevenoaks a better place for having had you in it , we promise not to mess it up !
Helen Tebay
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