Sennockian 2023-2024 | Page 26

Estelle Constantine Liberal Arts University of Chicago Hector Cotti-Gregoriadi Business Management City , University of London Joshua Cowell Design Engineering Imperial College London Allegra Cuomo Italian and Philosophy University College London Eleanor Curson Geography St John ’ s College , Cambridge
Adèle De Saab
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Gabriele de Sanctis Dual BA Programme Sciences Po and Columbia University Shuchen Ding Veterinary Medicine University of Edinburgh Nana-Anima Dubi Medicine St George ’ s , University of London Emma Dulerayn English University of York Patrick D ’ Urso Natural Sciences University of Exeter Lachlan Edwards Liberal Arts Brown University Camilla Eerdmans Natural Sciences Durham University Felix Ersser Transportation Design Pforzheim University Harry Evans Computer Science University of Warwick Si Kai Feng Liberal Arts Emory University Alberto Firenze Puentes Industrial Engineering Universidad Pontificia Comillas Thomas Flann Civil Engineering University of Bristol Aaron Francis Physics with Theoretical Physics King ’ s College London William Francombe Mechanical Engineering University of Edinburgh Ryan Friis Philosophy , Politics and Economics University of Warwick Olivia Gallagher Geography Keble College , Oxford
Ruvanthika Ganesh
Environment and Sustainable Development with Economics
London School of Economics and
Political Science
Amelie Geens Psychology University of St Andrews Leon Goffin International Management and Modern Languages ( German ) University of Bath Phoebe Gough-Cooper International Business Northeastern University Miranda Gray Chemistry with External Placement University of St Andrews Dava Gunananthan Economics and Management Hertford College , Oxford Tanya Gupta Human , Social and Political Sciences Christ ’ s College , Cambridge Daniel Hadden Medicine University of Bristol Cillian Hallinan Liberal Arts Davidson College Louis Handy Physics and Philosophy University of Bristol Evelyn Harmer Geography University College London Oliver Haworth Philosophy , Politics and Economics Durham University Carlota Hermer Liberal Arts Duke University Alexandre Herregods Business University of Pennsylvania Josefina Hippe Natural Sciences University College London William Hobbs Veterinary Medicine and Science University of Surrey