Name Course Destination James Ma Liberal Arts Brown University Isabella Mandich International Business with Spanish University of Edinburgh David Maule
Geography and International Development with Foundation Year
University of East Anglia Clemmie Mayhew Foundation in Acting Royal Academy of Dramatic Art Fred McGahan English and Theatre Studies University of Warwick Feri Mike Mechanical Engineering New York University Aadit Mital Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science Duke University Sofia Molinaro Liberal Arts and Sciences University of Groningen Archie Moore Accounting and Management with work placement University of Bath Imogen Moran Psychology University of Bath Charlie Moulton Geography University of Leeds Tatiana Mouzykantskii Natural Sciences Trinity College , Cambridge James Murray Liberal Arts Northeastern University London Linh Nguyen Physics Imperial College London Iyanu Ojuko Biochemistry Stanford University Ife Oke English and Theatre Studies University of Warwick Juliette Olley Liberal Arts McGill University Andrea Olsen Liberal Arts California Institute of Technology Sasha Osokin Mechanical Engineering University of Warwick Helen Otto Law EBS University Adam Ouertani Statistics , Economics and Finance University College London Tessa Owen Arabic and French with year abroad University of St Andrews Henry Palmer Medicinal and Biological Chemistry University of Nottingham Vincent Pang Sustainable Built Environments , Energy and Resources University College London Arsh Parekh Liberal Arts Columbia University Amber Parker-Swift Liberal Arts with Study Abroad University of Exeter Timothy Pastron Geography University of Nottingham Charlie Peters Human and Political Sciences ( Dual Degree ) Sciences Po and University of Sydney Liam Pfister History , Politics and Economics University College London Victor Pfister Medical Biosciences Imperial College London Thomas Phillips Mathematics Pembroke College , Oxford Mia Popperwell Physics Durham University Stefan Prokopiev Liberal Arts University of Chicago Woser Prossor Organisational Research and Financial Engineering Princeton University Oliver Pryal Management University of Nottingham