Sennockian 2022-2023 | Page 23

HIGHER EDUCATION options and on UK universities which offer work placement and study abroad opportunities .
In line with previous years , approximately 20 per cent of the cohort will attend university in the US , Canada , Europe or another international destination . This is a considerable number compared with other independent schools : Independent Schools Council ( ISC ) data shows that around five per cent of all pupils from their affiliated schools choose to study outside the UK . This reflects the global outlook of our students and their aspirations .
Congratulations to our 2023 cohort on securing a range of excellent university places . Once again , students cast their nets wide , receiving offers from a range of institutions around the world , and 93.5 per cent of the cohort ( 230 students ) are progressing to their firm choice university .
Of the UK entrants , 79 per cent will take up a place at a Russell Group university . Our most popular UK destinations this year are Durham , Bath , Exeter , UCL , Nottingham , Imperial College London , LSE and King ’ s College London . Durham is the most popular single destination , with 19 of our leavers heading north this year . Students have taken up places at a broader range of universities than in previous years . London University colleges and institutions , and other London universities , continue to be highly popular , with around a quarter of our students choosing the UK capital .
While the number of Russell Group and Oxbridge places remains reasonably steady , more students than ever before have chosen to focus on international
Our North American offers have been impressive , with 37 students deciding to take up a university place in the US or Canada . A significant number were offered scholarships , with one student selected for the prestigious Morehead-Cain scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill . Gaining admissions to top-tier US institutions continues to be very competitive , and the Higher Education department is committed to understanding and engaging with the landscape of worldwide admissions and the opportunities available . This year we hosted in-person visits from New York University , Yale , Columbia , Harvard , University of Chicago , Oberlin , Davidson , Amherst , William and Mary , Tufts , Minerva University , University of British Columbia , Melbourne and University of Western Australia .
Our university entry is a tremendous record of achievement . The department aims to offer every student the best level of support and advice , so they can explore the most appropriate and suitable next step . We are delighted that the picture for university entry continues to go from strength to strength and we wish all our new undergraduates every success in their higher education and future careers .
Wendy Heydorn Director of Higher Education