Sennockian 2020-2021 | Page 83

and Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees , a local charity working in close relationship with our refugee service group . For students keen to develop their culinary skills , two workshops to master the art of Syrian home cooking were offered by Dr Cheung and Mrs Andrews . As a result , scents of both Syrian moussaka and harissa semolina cake wafted through homes . Students were proud to show their support for UNHCR by wearing the colour blue on home clothes day .
All in all , Refugee Week was an enriching time at Sevenoaks , a great way to recommence school life and raise awareness , through both educational and fun activities . The inspirational speakers , alongside self-acquired knowledge , enabled Sevenoaks students to gain a new awareness as global citizens .
We would like to thank Dr Orme and Mrs Douglas for leading the Sevenoaks refugee group , and Humphrey Pring , for being a vital contributor , as the trustee and former chair of the Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees charity . We would also like to thank Miss Davison for her support .
Harry Fry and Georgina Schroeder , Lower Sixth