Sennockian 2019-2020 | Page 74

Forced to go back to our home country of Russia as borders closed , we set off on a Friday the 13th , appropriately enough , after an emotional goodbye to Sennocke , our boarding house . Before we could reunite with our families , we had to quarantine . We spent quite a while just on our own , struggling sometimes to make sense of the rapidly changing news from England and the rapid rise in cases in Russia . We were both scared and sad at times , but we knew we were the lucky ones : many could only dream of staying in a nice house in the countryside without danger of being infected . Countless people had to lie in hospitals , where even doctors were afraid to come close to them . Thinking of them , we decided to initiate Get Well Soon World .
Our aim has been to spread positivity and let people know that they ’ re not alone through an Instagram page where we post pictures and quotations , advice on how to cope and photos of people supporting each other . Within a couple of weeks , we had hundreds of followers and many people sending their beautiful posters with kind messages . It has been extremely rewarding to do our bit to improve people ’ s mental wellbeing and create a community spreading hope and love .
Elizabeth Zorina and Andrea Olsen , Year 10
The £ 10 Challenge : Seed Bombs
The £ 10 Challenge is a social entrepreneurship exercise to raise money for two charities starting with £ 10 of seed money . Everyone in Year 8 was given £ 10 , and the aim was to make as much profit as possible in a month , while also making a social impact through our product and having as much fun as possible doing it !
Ideas ranged from doughnut-making at the station , soap-making and workshops , tennis tournaments , painting and so much more ! I chose to make seed bombs , as they were seasonal and just in time for Mother ’ s Day . I made them from recycled paper and wildflower seeds and moulded them into hearts and flowers . I sold them at school , at gymnastics , to family , at my dad ’ s office and door to door .
We learnt about marketing our product , branding , making our product appealing , selling , pricing , environmental sustainability and budgeting . Overall Year 8 made around £ 3000 for the charities we chose : YoungMinds and Hospice in the Weald . I really enjoyed the challenge and learned a lot from it .
Suzie Broadfield , Year 8