Sennockian 2019-2020 | Page 153

Jim ’ s recent proclivity for predictable sartorial choices stands in direct inverse proportion to the extraordinary variety of colour , shape , meaning and value he has brought to life in the performance spaces at Sevenoaks – and indeed throughout his teaching career . Theatre is , for Jim , a sort of home – a creative teaching space where young people can experience life-changing opportunities and where they can learn about themselves , other people and the world in a manner that is safe , nurturing and kind . His commitment to its educational value is a symptom of utmost integrity . For many students the experiences of challenge , fulfilment and fun will stay with them for life .
Jim Grant A fond farewell to the man in black
Rumour has it that once upon a time , Jim Grant was noted for wearing a bow tie to school . In more recent years he has found himself attached to less flamboyant attire : the staple black sweatshirt and theatre logo with accompanying dark hosiery and shoes . But dress sense ( or lack of it ) notwithstanding , few teachers have been more closely associated with the creative life of Sevenoaks School and few teachers will retire with the knowledge that they have given as much to the education and welfare of so many young people .
Since his arrival at the school in 2000 , Jim has taught hundreds – thousands – of students both as a Drama teacher and a Head of Drama , in the English department , and as Divisional Head both in the Sixth Form and in the Middle School . But perhaps it is as director of nearly 40 theatre productions , many of which he has written himself , for which he will be most remembered .
On a personal level , working in the theatre with Jim over the years has been a joy . His commitment to detail allied with vivid sensitivity to the overall shape of a piece has resulted in some truly inspirational moments . His emphasis on the wisdom and insight that young people can themselves display – inviting them into the process of theatre-making along with him – has been remarkable . This respect for their ideas and beliefs , their talents , trials and tribulations has marked his approach in all areas of school life – not least in his time as a Divisional Head . Those who have worked with him in this capacity will testify in an instant to his devotion to the welfare of the students , his fundamental sense of faith in the human capacity for goodness , his modesty – and his sense of humour . What are we going to do without the annual Christmas reading of Winnie the Pooh at Middle School assembly ?
The sight of the man in black will be less frequent in the coming years , but Jim is not leaving the school community entirely . Although no longer engaged in classroom teaching , he will be back at work on another production for the school in 2020-21 , and – one hopes – more after that . He will nevertheless be missed by many in our community . We send him every good wish for the future and , following a whipround , some money for a new shirt .
Mark Beverley
SEVENOAKS SCHOOL 2019-2020 147