Dr Yeo , through his explanation of six biological truths , which , tongue in cheek , he named ‘ Yeo Truths ’, addressed the fundamental role that hormonal cues play in regulating our food intake and satiety . Where a disruption in any one stage of these signalling pathways in the form of a mutation could alter a person ’ s dietary patterns and behaviour , Dr Yeo provided some insight into the complex interplay between our genetic code and environment in gauging the likelihood of becoming obese . For example , I was most surprised to learn that identical twins reared apart possessed obesity heritability levels of 70 per cent .
With a life-size knitted human gut that stretched across the width of the stage , he introduced the audience to the concept of caloric availability of food sources ( how calories available from different foods might be absorbed or metabolised differently ), and highlighted some fallacies associated with popular diets . Dr Yeo also expressed the potential advantage of genome analysis as a predictive measure employed to predetermine one ’ s susceptibility to insulin-dependent diabetes .
Dr Yeo reminded us that while we can overcome the misinformation of modern dieting trends , we must achieve healthy relationships with our weight , given that our differential gene expression ultimately controls the distribution of body weight for each of us .
He also stressed that before devising any predictive measure , as a society we first need to recognise that obese people are not morally bereft ; rather , they are battling against their own biology . As an aspiring medic , this has led me to consider the ethical implications of the NHS rationing treatments for obese patients .
Sachi Gwalani , Lower Sixth
Economics Symposium
On Brexit day we welcomed three experienced speakers to the school ’ s first Economics Symposium . The event was intended to enrich student interest and understanding of economics and business , and was organised by three Lower Sixth students .
The three speakers engaged the audience through accounts of their different experiences :
Daniel Stelter was a Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group , and a member of its Executive Committee , before becoming a bestselling author and going on to rank as one of the top 50 most influential German economists .
Marina Jigalova-Ozkan was Head of Disney in Russia and is currently Senior Vice-President in charge of Marketing and Media at Sberbank Group , Russia ’ s largest company .
Kees Hoving has over 20 years of experience in investment banking and is currently CEO at Deutsche Bank Netherlands .
Naturally , Brexit was an unavoidable topic . Although Mr Hoving was convinced that it was a lose-lose situation for both the EU and the UK , Mr Stelter was more optimistic for the UK , due to its potential for deregulation and becoming the ‘ Singapore of Europe ’.
Before the symposium , Mrs Jigalova-Ozkan had attended the World Economic Forum in Davos , from which she brought valuable insights , as well as highlighting the utility of such an event .
A student asked the speakers for their opinions regarding Universal Basic Income . All agreed that rising global wealth inequality was a growing issue which should be addressed , with Mr Hoving speaking of elevating the ‘ have nots ’, while Mr Stelter believed it would be more effective to look at the underlying reasons for wealth inequality in order to solve it .
The students were also grateful for advice concerning the business world . Mrs Jigalova-Ozkan shared some of her experiences and offered advice to young people entering careers in business . Both she and Mr Hoving reiterated the importance of sticking to one ’ s set of values .
Finally , all agreed that in order to be successful , you should always seek work which suits your skillset and is enjoyable . In business , monetary success will follow if you are good at your job , not when you make money your main focus . Following a round of applause , we were invited to refreshments and individual discussions with the speakers , after which each student felt truly enriched .
Max Ward , Year 10xxx