Academic enrichment
focus on terrorist coverage , which seems to elicit unnecessary fear . He noted that the chance of being victim to a terrorist attack in the US is 1 in 4 million , which is far smaller than being killed by a falling object or slipping in the shower .
I especially admired his responses to timely questions on cyberterrorism and the European refugee crisis . He stated that terrorists seek the path of highest disruption , and that a start in the direction of cyberterrorism , if effective , could begin a new wave of terror . He also pointed out that , despite what some people have suggested , only a tiny fraction of refugees are terrorists , and that waves of climate refugees may come to seek habitable land in future decades . I ’ d like to thank Professor English for sharing his clear and compelling insights with us .
Ellie Gilbert-Bair , Lower Sixth
Highlights from this year ’ s lecture programme , with speakers on science and the humanities
Professor Richard English : Does Terrorism Work ?
Richard English , Professor of Politics at Queen ’ s University Belfast , explored the question of whether terrorism works , from the terrorists ’ point of view . To answer the question , he first illustrated four types of success : strategic victory , which is achieving your political aim ; partial strategic success , achieving a ‘ decaffeinated ’ version of your aim ; tactical success ; and other rewards such as fame or revenge .
I was surprised by his conclusion that terrorism was overwhelmingly similar to most normal endeavours in that it usually only achieves tactical success and inherent rewards . Perhaps terrorist attacks seem so terrifying that to hear that their effects are minimal is slightly jarring . Professor English addressed this too , expressing concern about journalists ’ excessive
Professor Martin Hendry : Gravitational Waves
Astrophysicist Professor Martin Hendry from the University of Glasgow gave two very interesting talks . He works with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational- Wave Observatory ( LIGO ) and contributed to the discovery of gravitational waves , a groundbreaking discovery which won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics .