S evenoaks Youth Council
Phoebe and Katie (Year 9),
attending the interment of a
time capsule at Sevenoaks Bat
and Ball station, in their roles as
Sevenoaks Youth Councillors.
The time capsule will be opened
in 2062 to commemorate the
station’s 200-year anniversary.
Of the attendees, who included
the Mayor, Sevenoaks Town
Councillors and members of
Friends of Bat & Ball Station
group, Phoebe and Katie are the
most likely to see that event.
How Sevenoaks students have been
a driving force behind local change
The Sevenoaks Youth Council meets every six weeks
in the council chamber to address the concerns of
the town’s youth and to represent a diverse student
body before the town council. It focuses on a variety
of projects which seek to better the social, mental and
financial health of young people in Sevenoaks town.
Sevenoaks School’s participation in the Youth Council
has continually increased; this year, out of 25, a dozen
are Sevenoaks students. An application and selection
process took place which sought to encourage
politically minded youths to serve for two years. We
join students from ten other schools, each striving to
best represent the voices of the town’s youth.
Tasha (Year 11) is Chair of the council while Charlie
(Lower Sixth), is the Vice Chair. Matthias from the
IC plays a crucial role in monitoring the finances of
the council as Treasurer, ensuring that no money is
wasted. Meera, Roshni and Gabby, all in GIH Lower
Sixth, have been involved in the redecoration of the
House in the Basement, underneath the Stag Theatre.
This meeting place for young people allows students
to socialise while providing opportunities to use
computers for studying. Open mic nights and mental
health clinics have also been organised, and a new
chess club takes place on Wednesday evenings.
Furthermore, Gabby has launched the Plastic Free
Sevenoaks Pledge, which seeks to phase out the use
of environmentally damaging single-use plastics in
homes and businesses. This is done through work in
coordination with the town council, which has allied
itself with the Refill Campaign to reduce plastic use
in the town.
Sevenoaks students have been a driving force behind
the Youth Council, particularly international students
who are keen to get involved in the local community.
The most gratifying part of being a councillor is the
ability to communicate our personal concerns about
the mental health of students in town. At the last
meeting, the council considered a proposal to sponsor
a skateboarding event in the town by donating £150
from its budget. It voted in favour. Finally, the council
has agreed to support the stem4 charity which seeks
to help young people cope with mental health issues.
Loic Thiry, Lower Sixth