S ocial I mpact Week
Enrichment Week 2019 focused on helping the
community through 24 different activities, from
songwriting to campaigning for a zero-plastic policy.
An issue that is largely affecting today’s societies
is the unsustainable way we live our lives. From
generating power from fossil fuels, to overfishing,
humans are beginning to realise the need to
reverse their mistakes. During Social Impact Week,
students explored the importance of animal welfare,
particularly the problem of unsustainable meat
production. Another group campaigned through
Sevenoaks town, handing out leaflets for plastic
reduction, and raising awareness of alternative
materials; in particular their bamboo straws proved
to be an excellent alternative to the plastic equivalent.
The trash running (or plogging) group tackled the Kent
countryside on the problem of littering, by running
with bin liners, picking up all the litter that they found.