S weene y Todd
The school’s mini-West End
production had a talented
ensemble cast performing
the infamous story of
Benjamin Barker and his
London barber shop.
From the moment I entered the Pamoja
Hall, I was struck by the professionalism
of this production. The space, which had
been transformed from a concert hall to
a theatre of West End quality, featured a
21-piece orchestra, reserved seating and an
impressive 3D set. Taking my seat felt like
sitting down to a Broadway show; I could
scarcely recognise the place ordinarily home
to assemblies and lectures. It became clear
from the outset that the sold-out show had
been expertly produced.
The performance itself – directed by Penny
Hargreaves – was excellent. With standout
performances by Ben Hancox-Lachman as
Sweeney Todd, Daisy Hargreaves as Mrs
Lovett and Alexander Huisman as Pirelli
(with Riccardo Roma, Ana Deeley and Andrei
Golovanov playing the respective parts on
Friday’s performance), the acting was of
such high quality that I often forgot I was
watching a school play. Everyone from the
leads to the large chorus (including the
super-expressive Lachlan Edwards) were
faultless. My personal highlight was seeing
Peter Westbrooke as the Judge sliding down
the barbershop’s trapdoor!
But the acting wasn’t the extent of this
show’s brilliance. The music – directed by
Christopher Potts – was another highlight.
The voices of Diego del Ser as Anthony and
Vita de Munck as Johanna (Darcy Lambert
and Aria Baker on Friday) left me with
chills – a true singing masterclass! I was
particularly impressed with how the young
singers and instrumentalists managed the
complex demands of the music.
The 51-strong cast featured a range of ages
from 12 to 18, with actors from all areas of
the school, including five members of the 1st
XI rugby team. Over one hundred students
worked to bring this show to life: performers,
musicians and backstage crew. This was a
very inclusive Sevenoaks production, and its
success was testament to everyone’s hard
work, talent and cooperation. I was singing
‘City on Fire’ for weeks!
Ben Colley, Upper Sixth