The department was fortunate enough to install a refurbished
1869 Ullmer Albion press. This now sits alongside our large Rochat
etching press and has transformed our relief printing. Usually
involving lino or woodblock, this process is popular and expressive,
and facilitates the production of strikingly powerful imagery.
Flexible enough to allow simple, bold design, it also encourages
experimentation with complex layering techniques which open
boundless opportunities for the unexpected and innovative.
It is particularly accessible to younger students, and a selection
of their recent work is reproduced here.
Of course, alongside this innovation, drawing and ambitious
painting remain the meat and drink of the department and its
belief that all this inspiration and insight come from intense, often
slow, observation of the world and immediate environment the
students find themselves a part of.
Charley Openshaw
Clockwise from top left: Year 9 artwork by Isabella Neill,
Frederick House, Georgia Baker, Freya Wakeling