Leavers 2019
Harry Nicoll Economics with Industrial Experience University of Exeter
Eliza Norman Psychology Durham University
Joshua Oakland Biosciences with a Foundation Year University of Sussex
Renée Ojikutu Architecture University of Liverpool
Mojola Olarinmoye Medicine University of Exeter
Rory O’Sullivan Philosophy University of St Andrews
Rosalie Owen Human, Social, and Political Sciences Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Tomos Owen History and Politics of the Americas UCL
Alice Parker Mechanical Engineering University of Nottingham
Ellen Parker Biological Sciences Durham University
Benjamin Parsons Business Economics Cardiff University
Ilya Pecherskiy Politics and International Relations UCL
Sophie Perry Law University of Bristol
Darcey Phillips Liberal Arts University of Exeter
William Powell Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (with Placement) University of Bath
Benjamin Prior-Wandesforde Mechanical Engineering Imperial College London
Michael Procter History University of Exeter
Keanu Rahimian Business Management University of St Gallen
Anne-Marie Ratnage Accounting and Finance University of Southampton
Martha Reeve English University of Exeter
Maya Remoy Sociology and Politics University of Edinburgh
Kester Rice Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies University of Leeds
Annabel Richards Veterinary Medicine Royal Veterinary College
Julia Ricketts Philosophy, Politics and Economics Durham University
Emily Rigney Modern Languages and Cultures (with Year Abroad) Durham University
Cameron Roberts Politics with Economics University of Bath
Matilda Robson Chemistry Durham University
Eleanor Rudd-Jones History UCL
Maria Ruhan International Social and Public Policy and Economics London School of Economics
Anika Sahni Medicine KCL
Hannah Saint Modern and Medieval Languages Churchill College, Cambridge
Samuel Sandor Philosophy University of St Andrews
Christian Sayers Digital Media Culture and Technology Royal Holloway, University of London
Matthew Scholar General Engineering Durham University
Matthew Sebastian Politics, Philosophy and Economics University of Manchester
Parth Shahi Business Administration University of St Gallen
William Shammah Political Science Columbia University
Emmy Shaw Life Sciences University of California, Los Angeles
Anne Slocock Chemistry New College, Oxford
Lily Snell Medicine UCL
Anna Son
Rachel Sparkes
Bioprocessing of New Medicines (Business and Management) UCL
Foundation Course Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London
Eric Spies Business University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business School)
Annabel Stafford Medicine University of St Andrews