Leavers 2019
Benjamin Colley English Literature University of Manchester
Charles Cooper Physics University of Manchester
Chantal Cotta Carvalho Management University of Warwick
Florence Coumbe Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Magdalene College, Cambridge
Thomas Cox History University of Bristol
Georgiana Crawley Spanish and Contemporary Chinese studies University of Nottingham
Tanya Cukierman Liberal Arts University of Chicago
Sophie Dargan Biomedical Sciences University of Manchester
Nicholas Davies Liberal Arts Yale University
Lucie De Marigny-Lagesse Health and Human Sciences Durham University
Vita de Munck General Engineering Durham University
Isabel De Sousa English University of Bristol
Ayelen De Wit Zambrano International Business Administration Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Amelia Deagle Psychology University of Edinburgh
Ines Deeley History and Politics of the Americas UCL
Diego del Ser Arabic and Persian University of St Andrews
Parth Devalia Economics University of Warwick
George Dietz Hubbauer Business, Law and Economics University of St Gallen
Claudia Dochoda Biochemistry Imperial College London
Maximilian Doll Politics and Modern History University of Manchester
Celine Driessen Biological Sciences Imperial College London
Azaar Dubash Liberal Arts Brown University
Imogen Duke History University College, Oxford
Henri Durousseau Engineering Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Zoe Eifion-Jones Geography University of Exeter
Jasmine Emmerson Biological Sciences with Study Abroad University of Exeter
Gabriella FitzGerald Experimental Psychology Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Tofarati Folayan Liberal Arts Wesleyan University
Alexander Ford Pharmacology UCL
Charlotte Foss Philosophy, Politics and Economics Durham University
Rebecca Funnell Human Sciences Wadham College, Oxford
Jahnvi Gada Mathematics Robinson College, Cambridge
Ned Geake Computer Science and Philosophy Hertford College, Oxford
Mia Giltrow Psychology (with Placement) University of Bath
Camille Gontarek English Peterhouse, Cambridge
Domiziano Gualtieri Liberal Arts University of Chicago
Lucie Guano Dent Arabic with subsidiary language St Benet’s Hall, Oxford
Lara Gueorguieva Geography Murray Edwards College, Cambridge
Inci Gürün Business The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Ben Hancox-Lachman Biochemistry Imperial College London
Daisy Hargreaves English Literature Durham University
Daniel Healy Liberal Arts Stanford University
Charles Hewlett Liberal Arts University of Exeter
Eliza Hockey Psychology Newcastle University