The Golf Society enjoying a
sunny day at Crowborough
Beacon Golf Course.
Class of 2016 competed for the Sennockian Football
Cup. Seventy-four OS played; the youngest was 18
and the oldest was 76. This year’s winners were the
Class of 1999 captained by David Stubbs. They beat
the Class of 2012 in the final captained by Robert
Martin. It was great to see David’s team win the
tournament with his ‘nerveless’ penalty in extra time
in the final.
The Old Guard OS rugby team entered the Biarritz
Beach Rugby Tournament in late July. This is the
number one beach rugby festival in Europe with over
one hundred teams taking part over three days. The
OS entered three teams: Old Guard, Cavalry and
Light Brigade. Year groups from 2006 to 2015 were
represented. It was a fantastic weekend of rugby in
the beautiful resort of Biarritz.
The OS Golf Society has continued their busy
programme of golf days, and it is great to see our
longest standing OS sports group still competing.
The Society is under new management this year
and Adam Gilbert (Johnsons and IC 70) is keen to
encourage new OS of any golfing skill level to join in
the fixtures. These are currently midweek although
we would love to organise weekend meetings if there
is sufficient interest. This year the Society met at
an unfortunately damp Knole Park in May, and at a
gloriously sunny Crowborough Beacon in July, as well
as Hever and Tandridge in the autumn. Please contact
Adam if you would like to register an interest for next
year, when we hope that the fixture list will expand.
(Golf Society email: [email protected])
Alex Smith