Sennockian 2018-2019 | Page 126

Philanthropic Leadership The Head, Governors and Foundation Trustees wish to sincerely thank the following donors for their support of Sevenoaks School over the past year. We would also like to thank those donors who wish to remain anonymous. Dr Paul and Professor Dr Ann-Kristin Achleitner David Hooker (OS 1991) Olivia Howie (OS 2007) Samantha Aling (OS 2002) Jian Huang and Sylvia Lau Thomas Allsworth (OS 1955) Sir Michael Jenkins OBE Charles Baillie (OS 2006) Nigel Balchin (OS 1951) (d. 2017) (Legacy) Robert and Jane Sackville-West Jun Sato and Dr Mai Jujo Derek Shaw (OS 1982) Michael and Danielle Joyce William Shaw (OS 2002) and Emily Shaw (née Driver) (OS 2002) Krassimir Katev and Lilia Kateva Brigadier John Skinner MBE (OS 1952) Sandy Bell (OS 1983) Charles Keymer (OS 2003) and Margaret Bruckmann (OS 2003) Alex Smith Adrian Boeckeler (OS 2002) Michael Knight (OS 1970) Peter and Victoria Brackett Charles Lane (OS 1974) and Fiona Lane David Cadwallader (OS 1996) Katarina Lau (OS 2018) Christopher Candfield (OS 2004) Alan Lawrence (OS 1952) Andrew and Priscilla Chan Edward and Alison Lee Owen and Jasmine Chan Massimiliano Malagoni (OS 2002) Derek and Katherine Chang Richard and Gabriella Manley Derek Colley (OS 1967) William Mason (OS 1971) Javier and Leonor del Ser Andrew and Patricia Massey Deutsche Bank Katie McCord (née Evans) (OS 2002) Maxwell Dickman (OS 2008) Candice McDeigan John Douglas (OS 1967) and Julia Douglas William Mcintosh-Whyte (OS 2002) Alexander Dray (OS 1978) Professor Tom McLeish FRS (OS 1980) Tobacco Pipe Makers & Tobacco Trade Benevolent Fund Julian Durant and Rhonda Hollinberger Adam Mead (OS 1974) Barbara Towers Tony Fenner-Leitao (OS 1982) Leonid and Marina Melamed Philip Townshend (OS 1953) Sally Fetto (OS 1984) Stephen and Melissa Murdoch Malcolm Toye (OS 1955) Carl-Peter and Dietlinde Forster Colin Neilson (OS 1948) Edward Foss (OS 1984) and Clare Foss Svein Aage Olsen and Natalya Semikova Mark Trenowden (OS 1980) and Brenda Trenowden Michael and Angie Francombe Edward O’Neill (OS 1958) Hidde Venhuizen (OS 2000) Friends of Sevenoaks School Stephen Parkes (OS 2002) Sanjai Vohra and Sulia Lo-Vohra Norbert and Atosa Furnion Alastair Perry (OS 2002) Emilio Voli (OS 1983) Christopher and Kristin Gill Andrew and Heather Phillips Dr Philip Whitbourn OBE FRIBA FRTPI (OS 1950) Henri and Sylvie Gliner Roger Pickering (OS 1949) Goldman Sachs Gives (UK) Stephen Pook (OS 1975) Dr Armando Gonzalez-Ruiz and Pilar Gonzalez Nicholas and Akemi Price Gordon Baldwin (OS 1948) Jay Barrymore (OS 2002) James Griffiths (OS 1979) Marie Hill-De Maesschalck Stephen Ho and Cindy Wong 120 Reverend David and Pat Johnson Professor Philip Ruffles CBE FREng FRS (OS 1958) Yonghao Pu and Wen Zhang Kenneth Quinn (OS 1981) Alan Radcliffe (OS 1950) L O O K I N G F O RWA R D Robert and Michelle Smith Magnus and Elizabeth Spence Sarah Stewart (OS 2002) Tony and Arabella Stuart David Stubbs (OS 1999) Fabrice and Sophie Susini Patrick Sutton-Mattocks (OS 2006) Robert Sutton-Mattocks (OS 2011) Boon Khai Tan (OS 1992) Tony Tayler (OS 1962) Mark Thompson (OS 2002) Vincent and Margaret Tin Graham Wilson (OS 1960) Dr Choi Sum Wong and Wing Kam Mok Stephen Wu and Tina Du Dato’ Mark Yeoh and Datin’ Julie Teh YTL Utilities (UK) Limited Igor Yushkevich and Irina Rumiantseva