Leavers 2017
Leavers 2018
Name Degree Destination
Cailin de Wet Medicine University of Edinburgh
Christ’s College, Cambridge Matilda Denbow Geography Durham University
University of Warwick Valérie Deriaz Hospitality Management Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne
Modern Language Plus University College London Cara Digby-Patel Classics and French Somerville College, Oxford
Nathaniel Robinson Oriental Studies: Arabic with a subsidiary language St John’s College, Oxford Joshua Dingomal Psychology University of Bath
Theo Sawkins Classics King’s College, Cambridge Finley Dubell Social Sciences Durham University
William Strutt Classics Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge James Elgar Computer Science University of Bristol
Alexander Tagg Economics University of Bristol Stephane Ellis Engineering McGill University
Oliver Tushingham Philosophy, Politics and Economics St John’s College, Oxford Matthew Emmerson Medicine Lincoln College, Oxford
James Yun-Stevens History University College London George Ferguson Flexible Combined Honours with Study Abroad University of Exeter
Eléonore Ferrié Law with French Law University College London
Daniel Adamov Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) Royal Holloway, University of London Hannah Firth Combined Honours in Social Sciences Durham University
Ben Alderton History University of St Andrews Isobel Fisher Biochemistry Imperial College London
Mozna Alsulayman Liberal Arts New York University Rosa Fjeldsoee International Shipping and Trade Copenhagen Business School
Hannah Anderson Art History and Visual Culture University of Exeter Grace Fleming Economics University of Bath
Emily Andrew Biological Sciences Durham University Charlotte Foley Medicine University College London
Emma Ansell English University of Bristol Nyah Francis Spanish and Latin American Studies University College London
James Armitage History University College London Curtis French Mining Engineering University of Exeter
Mercy Bannister English University College London Liberty Frost Business Management (Industry) Lancaster University
Phoebe Barker Veterinary Medicine Robinson College, Cambridge Jonathan Fuchs Economics WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
Thea Beadle Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) Queen’s College, Oxford Zoe Fujiwara Philosophy, Politics and Economics St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Maddy Berry Ancient History and Archaeology Durham University Cara Fuller Biomedical Sciences St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Alexandra Boer International Bachelor Economics & Business Economics Erasmus University (Rotterdam) Gloria Gao Chemistry Wadham College, Oxford
Louis Böttcher Business and Management Durham University Tabbi Gault English Literature Durham University
Ina Bradic Chemistry University College, Oxford James Geeson Criminology University of Exeter
Shahamir Brar Banking and International Finance City, University of London Morgan Giampaolo Psychology with Clinical Approaches University of Sussex
Tabitha Brewer Combined Honours in Social Sciences Durham University Imogen Gibb Art History and Visual Culture and English University of Exeter
Malcolm Briery Liberal Arts Yale University Josie Gibb Music and Philosophy Durham University
Tassilo Bulfon Classics St John’s College, Cambridge Alicia Gilliat Medicine University of Exeter
Theresa Bulfon Classics Durham University Masha Glik Liberal Arts Brown University
Katherine Buntine Medicine University of Bristol Clarisse Gontarek Medicine King’s College London
Alexander Buxton Carda Ancient, Medieval and Modern History Durham University Lucy Goodfellow Mathematics St Anne’s College, Oxford
Matthew Caiger MA Fine Art University of Edinburgh Tiffany Griffiths Physics with Philosophy University of Manchester
Harry Carley Fine Art University for the Creative Arts Enerzaya Gundalai History, Politics and Economics University College London
Christy Chan Electronic and Information Engineering Imperial College London Sohan Gwalani Chemical Engineering Imperial College London
Justin Chow Engineering Georgia Tech Matthew Hale Law University of Nottingham
William Clubb Crowe UK, Accountancy Apprenticeship: Assistant, Audit Annika Hilgert Human, Social and Political Sciences Selwyn College, Cambridge
Eva Cottage-Stone Business and Management with European Study University of Exeter Tom Hiscock Ancient History University of Exeter
Hannah Daly Medicine University of Bristol Stephanie Ho Biochemistry Imperial College London
Anna Davis Psychology University of Edinburgh Charlotte Hook Liberal Arts University of British Columbia
Leopold de Nassau Chemistry University of Nottingham Lexie Hoyer Veterinary Medicine University of Glasgow
Name Degree Destination
Laetitia Moon English and Spanish St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Patrick Moran Geography Dylan Morris-Jones Management Sebastian Perera-Slater
Leavers 2018