For the second year running, our IB final exhibition was
held at the Oxo Bargehouse on the South Bank in London.
It’s very easy to get used to the extraordinary at
Sevenoaks and we are all very guilty at taking for
granted the opportunities that are given to us. This
being said, I can’t emphasise enough how excited
I was for this year’s IB art exhibition at the Oxo
Bargehouse. We had all previously displayed our art at
various school occasions and it has been incredibly
gratifying to get such a positive response from
friends and families.
This exhibition, however, felt different from anything
that we had ever prepared for. Our art was going to
be looked at by strangers, people that would simply
judge our offerings as a yes or no, or perhaps if we
were lucky a maybe. This was both exhilarating and
terrifying for all of us. The only reason we were
able to attempt this was because of the support,
encouragement and determination from everyone
in our Art department. Our teachers were both our
worst critics and staunchest supporters, cajoling us
to believe that our art work was good enough to be
shown to the public.
When you’re working in the Art department you can
become quite absorbed in what you’re doing and
you can almost forget that there are other people
working as hard as you. For me Oxo Bargehouse
wasn’t just about presenting my own ideas, it gave
me the chance to really look at the work produced
by my peers. It took my breath away to see such
diversity in the media used. There were so many
outstanding pieces that I would love to mention them
all if I had the space. However, from Anesu Rukezo’s
illusionistic portraits to Armaan Bansal’s intricate
prints, I was absolutely amazed. I feel that over the
last two years all the students have progressed to
such a high standard, which is in part due to the
unwavering support that we all show one another. Our
final exhibition was testament to the strength of that
support, without which the exhibition would never
have been as successful as it was.
I think that all of us students agree that being able
to present our work in such a unique environment has
given us the confidence to tackle any future project
head on, whatever the discipline.
My art practice attends
to the direct physicality
of all things material...
Charlotte Bonner-Davies, Upper Sixth
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