Sennockian 2016-2017 | Page 14

AC A D E M I C L E AVER S Leavers 2017 Gap Year 2017 8 Name Degree Destination Elias Voss Liberal Arts Yale University Katharina Vrolijk Architecture University of Toronto Lou Warnett Mathematics and Computer Science Imperial College London Jessica Wen Materials Science Queen’s College, Oxford Sophie Westbrooke Music Emmanuel College, Cambridge Felicity Whaites Psychology King’s College London Martha Whitefoord Medicine Cardiff University Sky Wong Law University of Bristol Peter Wright Architecture The University of Sheffield Daniel Wu Computer Science Stanford University Miranda Zhang Liberal Arts University of Chicago Roxanne Zhang Mathematics Imperial College London Vanessa Zhang Physics University College London Ayinoluwa Abegunde Fraser Lindsay Victoria Bell Olivia Lloyd-Williams John Broomfield Joshua Marza Clare Cooke Lila Mendoza Jasmine Coomber Laetitia Moon Mier Foo Patrick Moran Michael Freeman Dylan Morris-Jones James Gray Sebastian Perera-Slater Thomas Harrison Ines Ringue James Headington Nathaniel Robinson Joseph Healy Theo Sawkins Helen Jones William Strutt Matthew Judge Alexander Tagg Anna Knörr Oliver Tushingham Sehee Lim James Yun-Stevens SEVENOAKS SCHOOL 2016-2017 R E V I E W