What if it’s not sunny on my shoot date?
As long as it’s not raining or misting we’ll go on as planned. Reasons to reschedule would be: high winds,
heavy fog, rain, mist, or any other precipitation. I have several weather and radar apps that I use all season to
track weather. Clouds are ok and actually preferred by some photographers because they keep the subject
from squinting.
What if my mother and I don’t agree on clothing?
Your mom understands that these are your photos and a once in a lifetime event. Reach a compromise by
letting her choose one look and then agree on the rest. It’s an investment that most parents are happy to spend
and sometimes a little input doesn’t hurt.
What if we can’t agree on the images we want retouched?
You are given an even number for a reason. Let mom pick 15 and you pick 15 and everyone is happy!