Chapter 10: Epilogue
I look to the future with hope. I hope that my high school classes have prepared me for college. I'm going to attend the University of Texas and major in mechanical engineering. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with my degree and, apart from going to college, my plans for the future are vague. College used to be intimidating to me. I was used to coasting through high school, and the thought of how hard the work at university would be scared me. I had heard many stories of people in similar situations to mine failing in college. But now that I'm at the end of my senior year I'm a lot more confident. The accounts of my friends doing fine in their freshmen years helped with this. Maybe I just needed one more year to make myself well and truly sick of high school. And with this sickness I hope I will projectile vomit myself to success next year. I am greatly looking forward to living on my own. After hearing the horror stories of my brother's roommates, I made sure I secured a swanky dorm with my own room and bathroom. I'm also looking forward to the freedom that not having mandatory class eight hours a day will provide. I can already see my sleep schedule turning into something wholly unnatural. I understand that college won't be all fun and games, and I will have to work harder than I ever have before. Overall, I would say I enjoyed my high school years, but I'm ready to move on. Goodbye Klein Collins. It was fun, but I won't miss you.