Senior Scrapbook May 2014 | Page 9

Where I grew up

My house has changed too, but it is still an area of relative seclusion from the outside world. My backyard is filled with trees, and covered in little trails that I used to play on as a child. In the very back, our fence opens up to the ditch, a grass covered stream that flows through the middle of the neighborhoods and into surrounding ones. On a lazy day, I’d sit outside and watch all the dogs and their owners walk past, and my dogs would bark and bark. Closer to the house, we have a pool and diving board, although I have always been too scared to try a flip. The actual house has changed over the years, as we have switched from carpets to hardwood floors and changed up the furniture color. My room, however, has stayed relatively the same. Pictures from all ages cover my desk, and everything is in shades of purple and white. My closet is messy as always, but I can usually find what I need, anyway. My home has been a place of comfort for a long time, and although I’m scared to leave it for college, I know I will always be able to return.