Senior Portrait Guide | Page 2

AL CI I F F O D GRA WELCOME TO AN AM AZING EXPERIENCE I t ā€™ syours eni oryearandt hi si soneofl i f eā€™ smos tmemor abl eexper i ences .We He l l o ! havedevel opedaSeni orPor t r ai tEXPERI ENCE t hatcapt ur est hees s enceofYOU t hr ough edi t or i alandl i f es t yl ei mages .Wemeetpr i ort oyours es s i ont of i ndoutwhoyouar eand whatyoudr eam about .Wet aket hati nf or mat i onandcr eat eaphot os hoott hatt el l syour s t or yt hr oughphot ogr aphs .Whet heryoudr eam aboutbei ngaf as hi ondes i gner ,openi ngan or phanagei nat hi r dwor l dcount r y ,acr i mi nol ogi s t ,ani nt er nat i onalbus i nes scompl i ance s peci al i s t ,orj us tcel ebr at i ngyouramaz i ngs el f ,wewantt ot el lt heaut hent i cs t or yofyou. Yourt eam ofpr of es s i onalmakeupar t i s t s ,s t yl i s t sandphot ogr apherar ewai t i ngt omeet youandbr i ngyours t or yt ol i f e!