Senior Connections SeniorConnections Oct 19 | Page 7
A taste of maple syrup
The exquisite fl avor of maple syrup
Maple syrup is graded by its color, density,
and fl avor according to standards established by
government legislation. Ranked among the very best
natural sweeteners in the world, it is considered as
a fl avor of choice that can enhance many different
dishes — perfect for foodies every- where! For
traditionalists, maple syrup is still mainly used over
the good ol’ pancake.
Amazingly versatile, maple syrup is used in fi ne
cuisine to prepare sauces, glazes, vinaigrettes,
and marinades. Its natural sweetness and delicate-
yet-distinctive fl avour also lend themselves to the
preparation of a multitude of desserts. Capitalizing
on its rather mysterious character and nutritious
component, some people also use maple syrup to
prepare special diets or for purifi cation purposes,
particularly during periods of fasting.
Many fi ne products are made with genuine maple
syrup. Much to everyone’s delight these are available
in producers’ boutiques, gourmet food stores, and
in some supermarkets. Maple fl akes (delicious on
yogurt), maple alcohol, maple fruit spread, maple
chocolate, and nuts are just a few of the mouth-
watering treats available.
Canada is the world’s largest exporter of maple
products. The largest importers are the United States,
Germany, and Japan. In 2007, maple products were
sold in 48 countries.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Connections October 2019