Senior Connections SeniorConnections Oct 19 | Page 13
FOREST CITY from Pg 12
Time to Focus on the Joys of Life
handed me a check and I just
folded it up and put it in my
pocket. Later, when I looked,
it was $500! The next year it
was a $300 donation again.
It was just so unexpected and
kind,” Bob said, tearing up.
“We regularly host groups,”
Bob said. He and Dale Root
conduct educational school
group tours. But they also have
musical groups, senior groups,
and many more.
“We have a connection with
a travel company out of Fargo
that has about four groups a
Carolers sing in the lodge.
year come from Norway to
Minnesota. One ag group fl ew
into Minneapolis on a Sunday
evening. They hopped aboard
a Holt Tour bus at 8 a.m. Mon-
day on their way to Fargo. But
their fi rst stop in the United
States was for a 2-1/2 hour
tour of the Stockade.
“The travel agent said these
people wanted to experience
what their ancestors experi-
enced coming to Minnesota
all those generators ago, and
see how they must have strug-
gled in their fi rst years,” Bob
said. “They want to come here Line to purchase warm fry bread rolled in sugar and
because it’s the most accurate cinnamon.
depiction of what life was like
then. That’s what motivates us
to do what we do for 40 years. If we didn’t love it,
we would have stopped years ago.”
In addition to the two scheduled public events and
tours, the Stockade is also open for private events.
“We have fi ve weddings booked so far for 2019,”
Bob said.
Through word of mouth people from all over hear
about the Stockade, even though they don’t advertise
outside the area to avoid crowds too large to handle.
The people that come are genuinely interested in
what the Stockade Committee has to offer and they
want to tell their friends and relatives.
It’s a family event for those that visit, but also
for those that come together around the vision each
year. Like a stone in a pond, their constribution has
a ripple effect.
“We play a big part in peoples’ lives,” Bob said.
Laura Ingalls Wilder would have been proud to
see an accurate picture of what she could only write
For more information about the summer Rendez-
vous, the Pioneer Christmas, volunteering, donating
and more, visit their website at forestcitystockade.
Senior Connections HJ.COM
Connections October 2019