Senior Connections SeniorConnections_MayJune20 | Page 7

PANDEMICS from Pg 6 nounced a ban on all assemblies. This was in line with the health and government officials recom- mendations. In the following issue, the newspaper included a large piece to inform the public on how to pre- vent the flu, what to treat it with, and stressed that it was important for the public to remain calm. They even outlined that epidemics were a cyclical part of human history, dating back to Hippocrates in 412 BC. Similar to toilet paper in 2020, Vick’s VapoRub, a brand new product in 1912, couldn’t stay on the shelves. Its ability to “throw off the germs” had locals flocking to drug stores, selling it out of product for the duration of the pandemic. While Lester Prairie had been lucky reporting no cases during October and November, a No- vember 21 article outlined that Winsted had not been so lucky. The Lester Prairie Journal reported that the disease was “rampant, and everybody has had it in either a mild or severe form” in the village of Winsted, leaving two dead and many in critical condition. Lester Prairie was proud of the preventative measures that they had taken up to that point, as many villages and cities were not following the guidelines and orders, causing an uptick in cases. Enforcement of any regulations or laws that were put in place was extremely difficult, and news traveled slowly, causing many places to not take this flu seriously. We might have saloon keepers in Lester Prairie to thank for inventing the “to-go” order, as the article noted that “The saloon keepers have vol- untarily removed the chairs and tables from their places, and are not allowing more than a small number in the room at a time. Signs have been put up asking patrons to ‘take their drink and get out.’” In 1918, scientists believed that the flu was caused by bacteria. It wasn’t until the 1930s that scientists proved that the flu is caused by viruses. This led to some interesting home remedy ideas from Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets (a vegetable pill), Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery (an herbal tonic), and even a treatment of “a hot mus- tard foot-bath and drinking copiously of hot lem- onade.” It’s safe to say that people were willing to try anything to prevent illness from spreading. The media coverage until this point had been primarily positive and proactive, exemplified by the statement that Americans should fear “neither germs nor Germans” that they posted proudly on the front page. Although the epidemic had “cost more lives in the United States than our forces have lost in the big war,” the Lester Prairie Journal noted, the The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t the first to impact the US. One hundred years ago, locals were battling another dis- ease: the Spanish flu. And the health advice given at that time doesen’t sound dramatically different from the advice given by experts today. outlook locally wasn’t nearly as serious. slowing down. The outlook was so positive that December 5, On April 13, it was reported that there were no 1918, schools reopened with the headline “Pre- new deaths in Minnesota for the first time since cautions against influenza are deemed unneces- March 25, a significant sign of progress. sary.” When this pandemic recedes, this will be an- Essentially, they had done the 1918 equivalent other interesting piece of American history that of flattening the curve, and decided that the job will be studied for future generations. had been finished. However, this wasn’t the first flu pandemic and It did not take long for the village of Lester it certainly won’t be the last. Prairie to realize its mistake. We can only hope that we continue to make In the December 12 issue, all public gatherings strides as a society, just as we have in the past 102 were again banned by the village council, on the years. advice of the board of health. This was due to the spread of the disease being so rapid that they had no choice. There were 12 cases reported in just those seven days. Thankfully, cases • Video Inspection & Location • Maintenance Agreements soon receded, as the • Commercial, Residential, & Farm • Hydro Jetting peak across the state • Environmentally Safe Products of Minnesota was FAST, around early Novem- Call Genie Drain Cleaning today! ber of 1918, and life EFFECTIVE, Your drain and sewer specialists slowly began to return SERVICE to normal. Although the “Wish it Away by Calling Today” COVID-19 pandemic appears to be far from over, the reporting of new cases seems to be Senior Connections HJ.COM W ish it Away by Calling Today (320) 587-4110 Senior Connections May/June 2020 7